Thursday, April 22, 2010

coaching w/Eugene Katsevman

Had a coaching lesson at dance with world champion Eugene Katsevman tonight. As some of you know I can think to much, but dancing really helps me unwind from work and be in the moment. Tonight we brought it back to basics of foot timing. Just think about one thing. If I'm thinking about to many things then nothing is good, so don't focus on posture or smiling or anything else. If I'm not on the beat or have the rhythm of the dance then nothing else will look right. Hearing the 1 beat and listening for the 4 measure progression how it repeats. And how that can lead into the musicality of my dancing, not just the timing but accenting more powerful bars and softening others. Breathe, listen, feel, then dance.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Amateur couple preperation

So the next local event coming up is "Dance Festival" which is a freestyle event. I went to this one last year also. I'm not going to be doing to much but I am going. It's always good to get experience like this and some judges critiques. They have a portion of the event where you compete with the other couples on the floor. There is a section where its you and your teacher like the rest of the event and then the amateur couple portion is 2 students dancing together. I am interested in doing this as its a big test of my ability to lead and not have my teacher compensate. And its just a fun challenge.
Lisa-Marie is a newer student that's been going for about 4 or 5 months now. I asked if she'd be interested and she really liked the idea. She's talented and picks things up quick. We had our first combined private lesson tonight with Adriann to get us ready for the event. Adriann has set up some choreographed steps so we can put some real flavor of the dance into it and stand out against the other couples. It was a great session working on Mambo which will be 1 of the 2 dances we will do. I've danced with Lisa-Marie socially but its different doing ballroom with her but it will be fun too. I think this is really going to improve our dancing as individuals also. Plus it will be nice to have someone we each can go to if we want to practice with on different things after the event also.

Medal Ball

Well this is a little delayed in being posted but here's some info about this years Medal Ball. It hardly feels like a year sense the last one. I feel I've grown so much in my dancing and my confidence. This years theme was "Dancing down the Nile". Lots of people in Egyptian wear and some Greek/Roman stuff too. I didn't dress the part but I did put on some of the traditional Egyptian eye make up.
The whole night was a blast. Some great conversation at dinner and some fun general dances. Then everyone doing there check out dances. I got lots of great pictures I put up on my Facebook page. Then we had the studio formation dances. No mistakes in our routine and it was such a rush. A lots of other good shows also. Best choreographer came down to Ft Worth and our very own Adriann. Vote by applause I think everyone on the 2nd floor of the hotel could hear our clapping/yelling/stomping as we fought for our studio's. When Adriann won the whole studio rushed on the floor like the end of a football game.
After some of us continued the dancing fun at a local place called Ernie's. By the end of the night I was going on automatic but I loved it all. Spent the rest of the weekend recovering but it was great.